The marina map with sold slips has been updated on the website. Its easy to share or download below.

The marina map with sold slips has been updated on the website. Its easy to share or download below.
1St Ave South Bridge Work Coming. Boater Info Wanted
WSDOT is planning work on the SR 99 1st Avenue South Bridges over the Duwamish Waterway in 2025. This survey intends to collect vessel crossing information from marine users of the Duwamish Waterway so that WSDOT can create a work schedule that will require minimal disruptions.
This survey will be easiest to fill out on a computer or tablet, but can also be completed from a smartphone. Please feel free to send the survey link to any other marine users of the Duwamish Waterway that may be affected by this project.
Please submit your response by April 17, 2024.
Here is the link to the survey:
Here is the agenda and documents about some By-law changes.
Hi fellow members! We’re on the hard and hard at it down at the Boat Show. Come visit us at booth 1029!
The show is going until the 10th. If you or anyone you know is looking for moorage we’ll be here to answer questions or help you out.
Greetings DYC Members and Happy New Year!
As the new year begins we have a desperate need for a few board member positions. Elections are gonna be held at the Annual Meeting in March. The next term we have a need for a Treasurer, Vice Commodore, and a Rear Commodore.
A few members have expressed an interest and willingness to help but the more people able and willing to help the better OUR CLUB becomes.
Please, Please, Please help us keep the Club a low cost place to boat from by volunteering. By volunteering you help keep our Club a non-profit and low cost option place to keep your boat!
Unfortunately, the alternative to your volunteering is being appointed as outlined in the By-Laws. Nobody wants that. If you help the Club the Club will help you. At present, there IS an incentive of a credit towards your dues. Those may change as proposals are being presented for the annual meeting.
However, if we fail to manage ourselves, we will effectively need to hire the work out and charge everyone more eradicating the cost benefit we enjoy thanks to the HARD-work the Lease Committee put in for the good of ALL of US.
Costs have gone up but the premium savings in moorage is still there and worth being here. Please, think about the future and help keep us going. Contact Bill, the Commodore, with questions or reach out to the Secretary and we can tell you what’s involved with each and get you on the ballot in March.
The Northwest Straits Commission is working with multiple local and transboundary partners on a campaign to promote responsible recreational boating and anchoring near eelgrass beds, and we want to hear from you.
We invite you to join a focus group to help inform our approach to this campaign. We will hold three virtual focus groups in the coming months—the first two groups are divided by boat trip length, and the last focus group is open to all recreational boaters who anchor. During each focus group, we will ask you about your preferences for anchoring and what is important to you when you pick a place to anchor. Please register for ONE of the following focus groups and invite others who may be interested in attending. Registration is capped at 20 people per focus group and a survey will be available to boaters who are unable to join. Email: Kat Klass at [email protected] if you would like to take the survey or join a waitlist if registration is full.
Thursday, November 16, 4:00-5:00 p.m.: Focus Group for Longer Trips (Over a Week). This focus group is for recreational boaters who prefer to take longer trips. Please register for the focus group using this zoom link.
Tuesday, November 28, 7-8 p.m.: Focus Group for Shorter Trips (Overnight to a Week). This focus group is for recreational boaters who prefer to take overnight trips or trips that may go on for up to a week. Please register for the focus group using this zoom link.
Thursday, December 7, 5:30-6:30 p.m.: Focus Group for Any Recreational Boater. This focus group is for any recreational boater who anchors on trips. Please register for the focus group using this zoom link.
The DYC Board Meeting Minutes have been updated and are available in the members section. For now updates will be announced here in the blog section of the website. Draft minutes will be posted within a few days of the latest meeting.
Greetings fellow Members! Its November and this is a test and announcement.
We are updating the website and making some changes to everything in order to be able to include everyone in everything in the future. We are a 100% Member managed and maintained club and we’re gonna need to all work together now that we have a place until 2052!!!!
Integrating new email lists, calendars and links will be a be an important tool for everyone as we work together to keep our premiere river marina as good for its members for the next 30 years as it has been the last 45.
We will need volunteers and new committee members for new committees as we prepare for and get our first dredge post lease. Having a modern path on file to follow will help members in the future. Many hands will make light work in the coming year. We will also be having social events and cruises we want to include and encourage all to attend. Now and in the future we will need everyone to help make our non-profit as valuable as possible! Mostly, we want to enjoy boating and the amazing place that everyone at the DYC has helped make possible.