Presently Duwamish Yacht Club has memberships (slips) for sale or for rent.
Memberships being sold can be found here.
Rates for slip rental can be found here.
Slips are listed at nominal slip length. A 10% overhang is allowed (with some exceptions): I.e.: A 44′ vessel is allowed in a 40′ slip (the listed length). Renters are required to be DYC Associate Members and meet the requirements linked below.
Please DO NOT contact the DYC Office unless specified in the listing. Inquiries for either can be made by emailing Please include important contact information. The marina does have minimum requirements that can be found below.
If you found a slip for sale:
(DYC Ownership Requirements, Updated Feb ’23)
If you found a slip for rent:
(Applicant must meet DYC Associate Membership Requirements, and acknowledge Certain Ground and Dock Rules. Membership Application).
The MARINA MAP found here shows which slips are available.