Greetings DYC Members and Happy New Year!
As the new year begins we have a desperate need for a few board member positions. Elections are gonna be held at the Annual Meeting in March. The next term we have a need for a Treasurer, Vice Commodore, and a Rear Commodore.
A few members have expressed an interest and willingness to help but the more people able and willing to help the better OUR CLUB becomes.
Please, Please, Please help us keep the Club a low cost place to boat from by volunteering. By volunteering you help keep our Club a non-profit and low cost option place to keep your boat!
Unfortunately, the alternative to your volunteering is being appointed as outlined in the By-Laws. Nobody wants that. If you help the Club the Club will help you. At present, there IS an incentive of a credit towards your dues. Those may change as proposals are being presented for the annual meeting.
However, if we fail to manage ourselves, we will effectively need to hire the work out and charge everyone more eradicating the cost benefit we enjoy thanks to the HARD-work the Lease Committee put in for the good of ALL of US.
Costs have gone up but the premium savings in moorage is still there and worth being here. Please, think about the future and help keep us going. Contact Bill, the Commodore, with questions or reach out to the Secretary and we can tell you what’s involved with each and get you on the ballot in March.