The Northwest Straits Commission is working with multiple local and transboundary partners on a campaign to promote responsible recreational boating and anchoring near eelgrass beds, and we want to hear from you.
We invite you to join a focus group to help inform our approach to this campaign. We will hold three virtual focus groups in the coming months—the first two groups are divided by boat trip length, and the last focus group is open to all recreational boaters who anchor. During each focus group, we will ask you about your preferences for anchoring and what is important to you when you pick a place to anchor. Please register for ONE of the following focus groups and invite others who may be interested in attending. Registration is capped at 20 people per focus group and a survey will be available to boaters who are unable to join. Email: Kat Klass at [email protected] if you would like to take the survey or join a waitlist if registration is full.
Thursday, November 16, 4:00-5:00 p.m.: Focus Group for Longer Trips (Over a Week). This focus group is for recreational boaters who prefer to take longer trips. Please register for the focus group using this zoom link.
Tuesday, November 28, 7-8 p.m.: Focus Group for Shorter Trips (Overnight to a Week). This focus group is for recreational boaters who prefer to take overnight trips or trips that may go on for up to a week. Please register for the focus group using this zoom link.
Thursday, December 7, 5:30-6:30 p.m.: Focus Group for Any Recreational Boater. This focus group is for any recreational boater who anchors on trips. Please register for the focus group using this zoom link.